Gate Pose "Parighasana" (pahr-eee-GAHS-uh-nuh), stretches the side of the torso from the hips to the armpits, including the abdominal muscles, spine, and hamstrings. It opens the shoulders, and helps to reduce neck and shoulder tension.

This pose also stretches the intercostal muscles which connect the ribs. These muscles can get short and tight from sitting for a long time, which can restrict the movement of the ribcage and result in poor breathing habits. Stretching the intercostals may help to improve breathing capacity.

  • Keep the side of your torso aligned with the thigh of the extended leg.
  • Keep your torso open and lifting. Do not let your chest or shoulders drop forward.
  • Only bend as far as your comfort level allows. Even if that is just an inch or two, you will still gain the benefits of the pose.
Here are two variations of Parighasana

Kneeling Gate Pose
  • Kneel on your mat
  • Extend one leg out to the side
  • Line up the foot of the extended leg with the knee on the floor
  • Keep the knee on the floor under the hip
  • Press the heel of the extended leg into the floor and rotate the leg to turn your knee cap up.
  • Inhale and reach the arm of the bent knee side up overhead
  • Place the other arm down so the hand rests on the extended leg
  • Exhale and lean sideways in the direction of the extended leg
  • Keep the upper arm along side your head with the bicept resting by your ear
  • Reach the fingers of the upper hand toward the toes
  • Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths.
  • To come out, slowly lift the torso back to center, repeat on the other side
Seated gate pose
  • Sit with legs out straight along the floor
  • Bend one leg, keeping the leg on the floor, so the knee is off to the side and the heal rests near the pelvic floor
  • Keep the other leg straight and swing it off to the side making a V shape with the legs
  • Turn your torso so your shoulders are on the same plane as the straight leg
  • Inhale and reach the arm of the bent knee side up overhead
  • Place the other arm down so the hand rests on the straight leg
  • Exhale and lean sideways in the direction of the straight leg
  • Keep the upper arm along side your head with the bicept resting by your ear
  • Reach the fingers of the upper hand toward the toes
  • Stay in the pose for 5-10 breaths.
  • To come out, slowly lift the torso back to center, repeat on the other side

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