The gift of being present.

“With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” 
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

This time of year, with the days growing shorter and the Holidays upon us, anxiety and depression can  run high. There is a lot going on around us to cause distraction and stress.

Try turning your mind inward, focusing on your breath, and bringing awareness to your body. Do this in a quiet place. When you notice your mind starting to wander, let go of the attraction to the thought and return your attention to your breath. Every time you do this you are experiencing "presence".

You won’t be good at it at first. Your mind will wander, until you’re no longer in the present. That’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Don’t get discouraged. Just practice.

Practice it in the morning. Practice it while eating lunch. Practice while washing dishes or folding clothes.

The more often we can practice this in our day-to-day lives, the more positive our life becomes. Being present is about surrendering to what is, what's happening in the moment. Not the way we planned it, or the way we think it should be, or the way we want to control it, but allowing it to take us where it will.

I’m not saying don’t have goals or set plans — but goals change. Plans change. We must be prepared for that change, not with more planning, but by being in the moment. Remain neutral and aware, allow events to happen and keep moving forward.

We cannot stop ourselves from thinking about the past or the future. However, with practice, we can focus on the present more than we already do.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. These are great simple instructions that anyone can do. Thank you Donna!
