Make Room

Among the many things that yoga can teach us, one of them is that nothing is permanent. The first two limbs of the eight limb yoga path are the Yamas and Niyamas. The last of the yamas is Aparagraha which is translated as either non-possessiveness or non-hoarding. This is a hard one. It's human nature to cherish our possessions and hold dearly to people and ideas. And this is good, we need that connection in order to grow and learn. But, while there is and should be great value in possessions, there is also value in practicing non-possessiveness. When something has served it's purpose, it's time to let it go. Let go with grace and move forward.

So as we enter another new year, remember there is a time for non-possessiveness. Letting go of things that no longer serve us, whether they are old clothes or old ideas, we make room in our lives for new experiences and possibilities.

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